

Page history last edited by hoffman.tricia@gmail.com 14 years, 4 months ago


CS229 Machine Learning


Link to old page: http://wiki.hackerdojo.com/MachineLearning


starting 4/22 at 7pm at Hackerdojo.


This class is based on the Stanford cs229 material developed by Professor Andrew Ng. We have permission to use his materials from the course.


We are trying something things differently to emphasize the work related nature of the student population. We have sponsorship from Amazon for Elastic Map Reduce and AWS so students can implement versions of the algorithms presented in class on a cluster. We should have something to report back to Professor Ng at the end of class. We have a wide variety of people from industry, the goal is SHDH with some structure so people can meet other people to do some cool  machine learning projects. Free compute time.


The course videos are on youtube or they can be downloaded from this site.  The assignments, handouts, and lecture notes are available from the course website: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs229/


We will meet once a week for ~10 weeks to discuss the lecture material and problem sets.


We also have a volunteer willing to lead and teach the class, people who have a background in this area and who have taken the class before.


Please sign up in advance. We are limiting enrollment because of limited resources (time of volunteer instructors).


Volunteer Instructor: Mike Bowles:http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikebowles 

                              Patricia Hoffman, PhD



First meeting on 4/22 will cover administration details, hw1 and review of lecture 1 on youtube site of cs229.




Lecture 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzxYlbK2c7E (useless, skip it)

Lecture 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u4G23_OohI

Lecture 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ4cvaztQEs

Lecture 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLKOQfKLUks

Lecture 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRJ3GKMOFrE

Lecture 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyyJKd-zXRE

Lecture 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8B4A5ubw6c&feature=channel (SVMS)

Lecture 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUv9bfMPMb4&feature=channel (SVMS)

Lecture 9:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tojaGtMPo5U&feature=PlayList&p=A89DCFA6ADACE599&playnext_from=PL (SVMS) 



CS229 lectures

cs229Stanford Online - 9 21 2009.rm, Lecture 1

Stanford Online - 9 23 2009.rm , Lecture 2

Stanford Online - 9 25 2009.rm, PS1 Linear Algebra Review

Stanford Online - 9 28 2009.rm , Lecture 3

Stanford Online - 9 30 2009.rm , Lecture 4

Stanford Online - 10 5 2009.rm , Lecture 5

Stanford Online - 10 7 2009.rm Lecture 6

Stanford Online - 10 12 2009.rm Lecture 7 This one is truncated, you can replace this with the YouTube lectures,7-9 listed above.

Stanford Online - 10 14 2009.rm Lecture 8

Stanford Online - 10 19 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 10 21 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 10 26 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 10 28 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 10 31 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 2 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 4 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 9 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 11 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 16 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 18 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 11 30 2009.rm

Stanford Online - 12 2 2009.rm




4/21/2010: 20 people signed up



HW #1  Notes:

To install Octave under windows, you don't need to download additional packages, install Cygwin for windows and check the Octave AND Gnuplot package under Math when running setup.exe for Cygwin.


If Octave sucks for you as it did me, try R: http://cran.r-project.org/


public cs229 course page: http://see.stanford.edu/see/courseinfo.aspx?coll=348ca38a-3a6d-4052-937d-cb017338d7b1

Past hw1: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/problemset1.pdf

Past Solutions: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/ps1_solution.pdf

Past hw2: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/problemset2.pdf

Past Solutions: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/ps2_solution.pdf




Problem 1a Solutions: Problem 1a.pdf

Problem 1b,c Solutions: cs229-public_hw1_1

Problem 1b,c & LWLR implementation in python: cs229-hw1_1b_py  

"Public" 2a solution in matlab: cs229-public_hw1_2

Problem 2a,b Solutions:cs2292abc.pdf

2d solutions (Matlab)cs229_hw1_2

Problem 3a,b,c Solutions: Problem 3abc.pdf

Converted Peter Harrington's cs229-public_hw1_1 to R http://machinelearning123.pbworks.com/f/cs229_hw_1_R.R

I uploaded my XL solutions for Probs 1 & 2.  I also uploaded a couple of small text files that explain how to make the spreadsheets work.  If you've got any questions, send me an email mike@mbowles.com. 



I uploaded a Python function for de-sparsifying the input matrix given by Professor Ng.  I don't have Matlab so I converted the Matlab de-sparsifier that Prof Ng gives to Python.  Others of you who don't have Matlab may find this handy.


You'll also find a single sheet version of Platt's SMO algorithm in the uploads.  In the fall, people seemed to have trouble with the simplified version given in class.  I found this version easy to code and it worked satisfactorily for me.  -Mike Bowles


Python DeSparsifier for Prob Set 2.txt

smo-algo on a sheet.pdf

Using Mike's XL soln for Prob2.txt

Prob 2 soln.xls

data set 1 with solution 1.2.xls

Using Mike's XL soln for Prob 1.txt


Matlab Solution to cs229_hw2_3abc

R Solution using naiveBayes in R package e1071: cs229_homework_2_3

Matlab Solution to cs229_hw2_3de

Matlab solution to hw2 3de using SMO2


patricia hoffman has found a nice SVM applet:




Generative and Discriminative Learning Notes




Amazon AWS/EMR Resources

Anything written by Jinesh Varia from Amazon. His documentation is extremely well written.  He will be here to talk to the class on 6/17.


Hadoop MR by Jinesh Varia:



You have a choice, you can either use Amazon EMR, elastic map reduce

EC2 Resources:


or you can use Hadoop on AWS; see Cloudera




Map Reduce Assignments


Below is a list of 4 assignments for map reduce. You can use either Amazon EMR or Hadoop MR for the assignments.





The UW 490H class materials, 2008 are very good.

Assignment 1: Inverted Index: assignment1.pdf

Assignment 2: Run Page Rank on Wikipedia: assignment2.pdf

Assignment 3: create a tiled series of Rendered Map Images from Public TIGER data:assignment3.pdf geosource.zip

Assignment 4: Push data from Assignment 3 onto Amazon EC2 and create servers to publish data. assignment4.pdf  ec2source.zip


UC Berkeley Using Hadoop for Machine Learning


A lot of the Hadoop examples are written in older versions of Hadoop, or assume you run an older version.  (0.18 and 0.20 have different APIs.)  Cloudera's whole business is making Hadoop easy to use.  They have some good free training videos here: http://www.cloudera.com/resources/?type=Training there also is a machine image you can download to experiment with Hadoop without messing with installing it on your own system.  


Doug Chang



Mapreducable k-Nearest Neighbors

aka locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) for real vectors


Here are the slides from the talk I gave on June 10th: LSH_slides

Here is the paper (pdf): [A locality-sensitive hash for real vectors, SODA'10]


Related links:

k-Nearest neighbors (k-NN) on wikipedia

Locality-sensitive hashes on wikipedia

Kevin Murphy's slides on k-NN (pdf)


- Tyler Neylon



Machine Learning Challenges

Predictive Data Analysis (PDF)


KNIME Data Mining UI

 Greased Lightnin' Talk



7/07/10 Files

Stephens Project

Comments (18)

LanceNorskog said

at 4:38 pm on Jun 5, 2010

The first lines of code in cs229_hw_1_R.R is:

rm(list = ls())

May I request that contributed programs not start with the line "remove all files in the current directory" :)

stephen.oconnell said

at 11:10 pm on Jun 15, 2010

This is an R command which removes all the current R objects from the current working set. It doesn't remove any files from from any directories.

For example:
> a <- 1
> b <- 2
> c <- 3
> ls()
[1] "a" "b" "c"
> rm(list = ls())
> ls()
This is useful when starting a new analysis in R to make sure you have not carried any data from a prior session into the new analysis.

LanceNorskog said

at 1:08 pm on Jun 16, 2010

Apologies. Maybe I should learn R before spouting off.

mike@mbowles.com said

at 10:07 am on Jun 22, 2010

At the next class, we're going to consider what we should do when we grow up. So far, we've got 4 ideas for what the class might do next. 1. Work and DM competition as a group 2. Select compact topics and cover them one-at-a-time in two or three sessions (for example, using trees for regression) 3. work on a platform for trading securities 4. some fraud detection projects

I'll get someone to give a pitch on each of these things and we can consider them. if anyone would like to volunteer to pitch one of these please speak up. also, be thinking about these and about other potential topics that you would find interesting and/or useful.

ben.lipkowitz said

at 10:29 am on Jun 22, 2010

I'd like to learn about tree regression. (sorry, I don't know anything about it yet.)
I tried option #1 at noisebridge (ACM KDD 2010) and it wasn't very fun or helpful, just frustrating.

wroscoe said

at 10:37 pm on Jun 22, 2010

Compact topics that include some theory and an application could be great. How to make money wouldn't be a waste of time either.

This is a project I've been working on. daduce.com (you need a gmail account and testing the predictors won't work on IE). Let me know what you guys think.

fenn said

at 1:35 pm on Jun 24, 2010

i probably won't be at class tonight, so here are some more suggestions for compact topics from the peanut gallery:
how to use k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, boosting, bagging, ANN, HMM, MCMC, mahout tutorial

doug chang said

at 1:52 pm on Jun 24, 2010

we have 100$ credits which expire at the end of august. Here are some projects which don't require us learning new material
a) implement the autoscale and spot instance in scripts for mahout. Hook it into mahout.
b) implement tyler's algorithm and run it on a public data set.
c) run the naive bayes and svd smo on larger data sets, the ones in the public repository for spam filtering. measure performance on larger data sets, does it scale linearly?

mike@mbowles.com said

at 12:45 pm on Jun 26, 2010

I created a new page "Stephens CPU classification Prob". Let's use that to collect data, discussion, etc. about the problem that Stephen described at Thursday's meeting. I've uploaded the files, etc, that i have.

stephen.oconnell said

at 1:16 pm on Jun 29, 2010

Just came across this data mining competition that is underway right now: http://kaggle.com/informs2010 Here is an r solution: http://www.or-exchange.com/questions/492/ideas-for-the-informs-data-mining-contest

Thoughts on participating as a group? As noted the end result could be quite valuable to day traders...

This could make for a good discussion at a minimum, talking about how to approach a problem like this; strategy, algorithms, interpretation, iterative refinement, etc.

stephen.oconnell said

at 1:18 pm on Jun 29, 2010

I am at the Hadoop 2010 Summit and about to get two hours of machine learning using Hadoop, http://developer.yahoo.com/events/hadoopsummit2010/agenda.html, see the Research track. I'll try and summarize next week.

stephen.oconnell said

at 11:58 pm on Jul 1, 2010

Here is the paper on "Robust De-anonymization of Large Sparse Datasets", specifically finding individuals in the Netflix Dataset used in Netflix 2006 recommendation competition.


Peter Harrington said

at 8:37 am on Jul 4, 2010

I am very interested in this Kaggle INFORMS DATA MINING CONTEST, and doing a project as a group.

James Salsman said

at 3:33 pm on Jul 6, 2010

Will this class be covering category k-means, too? http://cran.at.r-project.org/web/packages/knncat/index.html

Stephen O'Connell said

at 5:41 am on Jul 9, 2010

Here is a link to the paper that apparently killed the netflix contest.


mike@mbowles.com said

at 2:27 pm on Jul 13, 2010

we're planning to meet this thursday (july 15). We're going to consider what data mining competition we're going to enter. Stephen is going to make a pitch for the INFORMS data mining contest and Will is going to pick another contest for us to consider. (the KDD or ACM websites are good places to look). Oh baby. this sounds like fun to me!

wroscoe said

at 6:51 pm on Jul 15, 2010

I will not be able to make it today. I will be happy working on any contest with this group. The INFORMS contest would give us more time to develop a solution.

Stephen O'Connell said

at 10:04 am on Jul 21, 2010

Our future meetings have been approved and added to the schedule for Thursday evenings at 7:00pm. I have arranged for the deck as our meeting place.

I will not be able to attend this week, however, will look forward to seeing everyone next week.


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