CS229 Machine Learning
Link to old page: http://wiki.hackerdojo.com/MachineLearning
starting 4/22 at 7pm at Hackerdojo.
This class is based on the Stanford cs229 material developed by Professor Andrew Ng. We have permission to use his materials from the course.
We are trying something things differently to emphasize the work related nature of the student population. We have sponsorship from Amazon for Elastic Map Reduce and AWS so students can implement versions of the algorithms presented in class on a cluster. We should have something to report back to Professor Ng at the end of class. We have a wide variety of people from industry, the goal is SHDH with some structure so people can meet other people to do some cool machine learning projects. Free compute time.
The course videos are on youtube or they can be downloaded from this site. The assignments, handouts, and lecture notes are available from the course website: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs229/
We will meet once a week for ~10 weeks to discuss the lecture material and problem sets.
We also have a volunteer willing to lead and teach the class, people who have a background in this area and who have taken the class before.
Please sign up in advance. We are limiting enrollment because of limited resources (time of volunteer instructors).
Volunteer Instructor: Mike Bowles:http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikebowles
First meeting on 4/22 will cover administration details, hw1 and review of lecture 1 on youtube site of cs229.
Lecture 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzxYlbK2c7E (useless, skip it)
Lecture 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u4G23_OohI
Lecture 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ4cvaztQEs
Lecture 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLKOQfKLUks
Lecture 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRJ3GKMOFrE
Lecture 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyyJKd-zXRE
Lecture 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8B4A5ubw6c&feature=channel (SVMS)
Lecture 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUv9bfMPMb4&feature=channel (SVMS)
Lecture 9:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tojaGtMPo5U&feature=PlayList&p=A89DCFA6ADACE599&playnext_from=PL (SVMS)
CS229 lectures
cs229Stanford Online - 9 21 2009.rm, Lecture 1
Stanford Online - 9 23 2009.rm , Lecture 2
Stanford Online - 9 25 2009.rm, PS1 Linear Algebra Review
Stanford Online - 9 28 2009.rm , Lecture 3
Stanford Online - 9 30 2009.rm , Lecture 4
Stanford Online - 10 5 2009.rm , Lecture 5
Stanford Online - 10 7 2009.rm Lecture 6
Stanford Online - 10 12 2009.rm Lecture 7 This one is truncated, you can replace this with the YouTube lectures,7-9 listed above.
Stanford Online - 10 14 2009.rm Lecture 8
Stanford Online - 10 19 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 10 21 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 10 26 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 10 28 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 10 31 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 2 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 4 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 9 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 11 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 16 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 18 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 11 30 2009.rm
Stanford Online - 12 2 2009.rm
4/21/2010: 20 people signed up
HW #1 Notes:
To install Octave under windows, you don't need to download additional packages, install Cygwin for windows and check the Octave AND Gnuplot package under Math when running setup.exe for Cygwin.
If Octave sucks for you as it did me, try R: http://cran.r-project.org/
public cs229 course page: http://see.stanford.edu/see/courseinfo.aspx?coll=348ca38a-3a6d-4052-937d-cb017338d7b1
Past hw1: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/problemset1.pdf
Past Solutions: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/ps1_solution.pdf
Past hw2: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/problemset2.pdf
Past Solutions: http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/ps2_solution.pdf
Problem 1a Solutions: Problem 1a.pdf
Problem 1b,c Solutions: cs229-public_hw1_1
Problem 1b,c & LWLR implementation in python: cs229-hw1_1b_py
"Public" 2a solution in matlab: cs229-public_hw1_2
Problem 2a,b Solutions:cs2292abc.pdf
2d solutions (Matlab)cs229_hw1_2
Problem 3a,b,c Solutions: Problem 3abc.pdf
Converted Peter Harrington's cs229-public_hw1_1 to R http://machinelearning123.pbworks.com/f/cs229_hw_1_R.R
I uploaded my XL solutions for Probs 1 & 2. I also uploaded a couple of small text files that explain how to make the spreadsheets work. If you've got any questions, send me an email mike@mbowles.com.
I uploaded a Python function for de-sparsifying the input matrix given by Professor Ng. I don't have Matlab so I converted the Matlab de-sparsifier that Prof Ng gives to Python. Others of you who don't have Matlab may find this handy.
You'll also find a single sheet version of Platt's SMO algorithm in the uploads. In the fall, people seemed to have trouble with the simplified version given in class. I found this version easy to code and it worked satisfactorily for me. -Mike Bowles
Python DeSparsifier for Prob Set 2.txt
smo-algo on a sheet.pdf
Using Mike's XL soln for Prob2.txt
Prob 2 soln.xls
data set 1 with solution 1.2.xls
Using Mike's XL soln for Prob 1.txt
Matlab Solution to cs229_hw2_3abc
R Solution using naiveBayes in R package e1071: cs229_homework_2_3
Matlab Solution to cs229_hw2_3de
patricia hoffman has found a nice SVM applet:
Generative and Discriminative Learning Notes
Amazon AWS/EMR Resources
Anything written by Jinesh Varia from Amazon. His documentation is extremely well written. He will be here to talk to the class on 6/17.
Hadoop MR by Jinesh Varia:
You have a choice, you can either use Amazon EMR, elastic map reduce
EC2 Resources:
or you can use Hadoop on AWS; see Cloudera
Map Reduce Assignments
Below is a list of 4 assignments for map reduce. You can use either Amazon EMR or Hadoop MR for the assignments.
The UW 490H class materials, 2008 are very good.
Assignment 1: Inverted Index: assignment1.pdf
Assignment 2: Run Page Rank on Wikipedia: assignment2.pdf
Assignment 3: create a tiled series of Rendered Map Images from Public TIGER data:assignment3.pdf geosource.zip
Assignment 4: Push data from Assignment 3 onto Amazon EC2 and create servers to publish data. assignment4.pdf ec2source.zip
UC Berkeley Using Hadoop for Machine Learning
Doug Chang
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